
So exciting times ahead on the music front. After a period of soul searching and working out what I want to do with it, I’ve got some news! If you’ve been following me online you’ve probably seen a lot more modelling and less music (though that’s been great fun too, Eurostar in Amsterdam and Guinness being highlights so far!).

For me the actual part where you’re creating something is the absolute best mentally, when time stops and you have something that you’re really proud of. 

I’ve just decided to do lots of the parts I really enjoy and see what happens this year, though bizarrely that already seems to be paying off. In the last 48 hours I’ve got a couple of great offers, rewriting some lyrics and a great gig for this month, so it seems there’s been a shift of some sort. 

I absolutely writing songs at home with the cat, playing music with friends, doing interesting gigs and film photography. So that’s pretty much what I’m going to spend a lot of time doing this year, and it would be great if you could join the journey! 

All of the above will now come under a new name…so introducing….

Like Ribbons! Follow us @likeribbonsband

I’ve put together a band of wonderful people, and so now have some friends to join me for the live side of things this year (Chris, Lu, Toby and Lawrence…let’s go!). We’ve been building up our set at a brilliant studio in Cobham.

There will be new music in the next couple of months, however if you’re too excited to wait until then, why not come and see us at a gig? 

Sat 28th Jan - Eel Pie Club Twickenham supporting Dexter Flew 

Thur 9th Feb - Half Moon Putney supporting Bessie Deakin

Finally I’m really getting into my photography, and if anyone knows of any actors, musicians or creative types that want some photos on film, please connect them and I’d be happy to try and set up a free shoot.

Here’s to an exciting 2023!



Will Purdue